Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's been a while since I've posted but I've busy in the "lab" experimenting with a few things. Caribbean black cake is on the menu as well as guava cheesecake. I'm very excited and will post pics soon. Until then, keep it sweet!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

This little confection was for a young lady turning 9 years old this weekend. I don't see her again until Tuesday and I'm a little nervous since kids can be BRUTALLY honest....
This weekend I experimented with mango and papayas in a cheesecake. I figured what the hell, what's the worst that could happen? Well, I didn't need to worry because it was a grand success!!! I'm making another batch for the office to see how it turns out there....

Monday, May 24, 2010

Cherry Cheesecake!

This past Thursday, I made a cherry and a vanilla spice cheesecake. I have to say I'm very surprised that the vanilla spice is as popular as it is....BUT! no worries, my goal is to satisfy the discerning palates of my clients so "you can have whatever you liikkkkke" (T.I.)
I was soooo tempted to cut a slice for myself and try to pass it off as some kind of "artsy design" but I wouldn't have been able to keep a straight face....
Until next time. Keep it sweet y'all!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

This was for the king of stylists, Bruce Gillespie. He kept me looking oh so fabulous before I started growing my hair back long, so I made sure his cake was as fabulous as he....

The was a chocolate cake I made for a friend who turned Fabulously 40!!! The kicker is that she looks like she just turned 25.......*sigh*
Anyway, this was a choolate cake soaked with a bit (a lot!) of baileys and I subbed the water for coffee....The topper was later used for her xmas tree.......

Vanilla Spice Cheesecake!!! The things I think of in the middle of the night....

This was a cute idea before I started...After I hit the 100 mark, they started looking a little creepy....But the kids at my little one's school loved them!

This has been an eventful week although I didn't do a lick of baking!! I've been strategizing on how to take this to the next level while maintaing the intimacy of making my cakes all about the client...
Hopefully the summer will bring about good changes and that I can continue to showcase my best works to date and some of my mishaps (LOL) Like the time I misspelled birthday on a cake.
Until next time.......

Friday, May 7, 2010

My New Cards!!!!

First, many thanks to Wendy Soto who designed my lovely cards and blog for me. Without her, it would've been a blank page with random crap all over it. I'm humbled by those who've helped me pull all this together and I look forward to repaying their kindness in the very near future.....

Monday, May 3, 2010

New Beginnings!

I am so excited! I've launched a blog dedicated to my baking escapades (and disasters!!!) and everything in between.
The best way to describe me is a work in progress, so pease bear with me as I evolve, in skill and on the web....