Friday, March 16, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I decided to go green and make a totally green cake for a client! It was cool (and a little gross) but I had fun making it! Check the before and after... Are you "green" with envy? *crickets* it sounded funnier in my head😳
Oh well! Enjoy the holiday and stay sober....or upright....either way be safe

Friday, March 2, 2012

What can I say? *kanye shrug*

My husband just celebrated milestone bday recently and I spent weeks, WEEKS dreaming of what kind of super fancy cake to make for my beloved.....instead he tells me to make monkey bread.......really dude? It was good though but still....seriously? Oh well, maybe next year

Friday, February 24, 2012

It's been a long time

Where do I begin? I feel like a deadbeat dad, it's been so long since I've posted ANYTHING!!! Anyhow, I'm back and promise to be more attentive going forward.
Since my last posting, I've been perfecting my cakes and cheesecake recipes. Cranberry swirl is in my top 3 and I'm working on a flan/cheesecake hybrid that will be to die for once I get it right. In the meantime, here's a pic of my latest: pound cake with a "lion king" theme.... As always, I'm a work in progress but its a forward progression......enjoy

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tonight I'm watching the Grammy's while I clean up from a mini-marathon baking session from this afternoon. If I never see another cake, it'll be too soon (I kid...LOL) I'd like to post a few pics tonight of what I did today and what I've done recently that I haven't blogged about.
I hope you like them and hope to hear from you soon with your commenrts of my work as it progresses.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


One of my (rare) New Year's resolutions was to try something new every month. This month, I'm planning on working with bananas. They're my least favorite of all fruits, which makes it all the more challenging. Tomorrow is banana pound cake with Jack Daniels soaked walnuts......
Sounds good right? We'll be finding out soon enough. Until then, stay sweet everyone....

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Year!!!!!

The past several months I've been offline working on recipes and holiday orders as well as working the ole 9 to 5 (gotta pay the bills, ya know?) Anyhoo, I'm back and looking to make things happen in 2011 and beyond. I look forward to hearing from you as well as commentary on my work as I evolve into a master baker.

Keep it sweet

Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's been a while since I've posted but I've busy in the "lab" experimenting with a few things. Caribbean black cake is on the menu as well as guava cheesecake. I'm very excited and will post pics soon. Until then, keep it sweet!